“We preach Christ crucified”

“We do not put a statue of a baby in the manger because we think that Jesus is still in the manger. We put a statue in the manger to remember that Jesus was a baby, that He took up our flesh and our burden. An empty manger just won’t do. The fact that God has a body,...

An Excerpt from Quinquagesima Sunday

“We mourn for our sins. We have been selfish, greedy, impatient, angry, lustful, and full of pride. We have hurt ourselves and our loved ones. We have failed to serve and love our neighbors. Let us repent and set our faces toward Jerusalem. Ash Wednesday looms...

God With Us: The Eighth Day of Christmas

“Baptism is greater than circumcision. It is not just for boys. It is not bloody and does not hurt, but don’t fail to notice this is: it is deadly. It drowns the old man even as it raises up the new man, and it attaches us to God. See how it fulfills...

Three days: Get a signed copy of God With Us

Starting today and ending Friday, November 20, all purchases of God With Us by David H. Petersen will be signed by the author. With Advent just 11 days away, now is the time to pick up a copy just in time for the start of the season. Many customers tell us that...

God With Us: How we developed the lectionary

If you’ve taken a look at the Table of Contents link for God With Us, you may be curious to know how we chose texts for the daily sermons in Advent. At Redeemer Lutheran Church, we follow the historic one-year series, and it is our custom to preach on the Gospel...