by admin | Feb 2, 2013 | Latest News
We have recently added a link to the Scripture index from Thy Kingdom Come here, listing all of the readings for the sixty-seven sermons which span Pre-Lent, all forty days of Lent, the Sundays after Easter, and several Saints’ Days. Although these sermons were...
by admin | Jan 18, 2013 | Latest News
“This confession is not his own. Peter is not so good a theologian as that. No one is. The clever theologians come up with Elijah. That is where cleverness is. In confession, there is no art, no poetry, no cleverness. The best guesses of men are always off...
by admin | Jan 16, 2013 | Latest News
Thanks to Rev. John Frahm III for posting his review of Thy Kingdom Come by David H. Petersen: “I’ve received my copy of a new book of sermons by Rev. David Petersen of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The book is a new publication from Emmanuel...
by admin | Jan 4, 2013 | Latest News
“God’s will is constant. Fallen men need a preaching of repentance, an exposure of our complicity and selfishness, a warning of impending death, and an invitation. You are not God. You do not make the rules. You have not behaved in ways honorable or just or...
by admin | Jan 2, 2013 | Latest News
Katie Schuermann, of He Remembers the Barren, relates how her morning run was stopped dead in its tracks while listening to an Issues Etc. podcast which reviewed a sermon by Pr. Petersen: “I noticed that I had slowed down. In fact, I was standing still on the...