Observing the penitential season of Lent: the Beichtspiegel
One of the highlights of The Brotherhood Prayer Book is the Beichtspiegel (confessional mirror), which is available as a free download here on our website. It is a helpful tool for reflection and self-examination in preparation for private confession and absolution or for the Divine Service. Dr. Benjamin Mayes and Pr. Michael Frese compiled this Beichtspiegel from the writings of the best American and German Lutheran father-confessors.
Introduction to the Beichtspiegel (confession mirror): Luther describes God as that to which we look for the greatest and highest good. From the time of the fall in the Garden of Eden, people have been constantly tempted to look inward for that good. Our selfish search for good within ourselves is the temptation of the old Adam in us. The Ten Commandments address this “self”-ish issue directly. We do not fear, love, and trust God above all things. On this earth we struggle against looking inward toward ourselves. In the questions below the common theme of selfishness is interwoven throughout. This constant breaking of the first commandment is a life-long struggle for Christians. No matter which of commandments 2-10 that you break, it is always an assault on having none other than God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the center of our trust (faith). In the Ten Commandments there is a vertical relationship (we and God) and there is a horizontal relationship (we and our neighbors). The first table (Commandments 1-3) shows the vertical relationship, and the second table (Commandments 4-10) shows the horizontal. Even in the breaking of the horizontal relationships we are offending against the vertical because God has called us to live in harmony and love with our neighbor.
The Small Catechism urges us to consider our place in life according to the Ten Commandments. The Commandments act as a mirror to reflect our sinful thoughts, words, and deeds. This honest reflection, on account of God’s holy Word working in us, will bear the fruit of repentance.
Now Available for Pre-Order: Passion-Book by Friedrich Lochner, translated by Matthew Carver
Passion-Book by Friedrich Lochner is the latest offering in translator Matthew Carver’s impressive catalog of historic Lutheran titles available for the first time in English. Lochner’s deep knowledge of the Church’s liturgical treasures and hymnology manifests itself in this collection of Passion devotions, which he first developed for his own private use to meditate upon the sufferings and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Find a description and detailed information here.
In 2023 we published Carver’s translation of Lochner’s Liturgical Forms, which shows the liturgical life of the early Missouri Synod and particularly the interest in and desire for suitable and historically justifiable rites drawn from old, orthodox Lutheran sources. We are delighted to add Passion-Book to our collection as we at Emmanuel Press continue to make works essential to confessional Lutheran theology available worldwide.
An endorsement from Pr. Shawn Barnett of Redeemer Lutheran Church – Fort Wayne:
“If it only satisfied a niche antiquarian interest, Matthew Carver’s translation of Friedrich Lochner’s Passion-Book would still be a significant contribution, revealing the reception in 19th-century American Lutheranism of relatively unknown devotional literature from the age of Lutheran Orthodoxy. But in rendering Lochner’s work into elegant, readable English, Carver has done for our time what Lochner did for his: provide a rich store of devotion that sets forth Christ before our eyes as the Crucified.
“Lochner’s passional is a composite work, an arrangement into daily devotions with hymn stanzas and prayers appended, compiled from the works of various authors from the 16th through 18th centuries, especially from the works of Simon Gediccus and Georg Renaul, names unknown to all save specialists in the arcane. In his private devotion and reading, Lochner had discovered what Carver has now made available to us, namely that ‘the manner and language of the earlier Passion preachers, finally, [gives]…more satisfaction and blessing than the more recent ones.’ Lochner himself read and prayed one of these 66 devotions morning and evening throughout Lent. Anyone who takes hold of this dear book and follows Lochner in this Lenten discipline will find himself transported in spirit to Golgotha where he will find ‘so many doctrines and comforts,’ ‘betimes precious golden grains of the bloody and salutary merit of Christ, now rich veins of the silver of His most holy innocence.'”
The Word “transforms the ground”
“[The Lord] sows where no reasonable sower would sow: on the trodden path, in rocky and thorny ground. And His Word does what no ordinary sower could expect of his seed. It transforms the ground. It bears fruit in the unlikely hearts of rebellious men. He sows because He is good and His seed is good and we need it.
“He is no respecter or persons and does not discriminate. He sows His seed lavishly, inviting all those with ears to hear. No one comes to this kingdom worthily. There are no good people, no plowed and ready ground. There are only sinners. Some are stubborn and deny that they are sinners or deny that Jesus is the Lord’s Christ. But some – by grace, not because they are good or smart, but because He is good – are transformed and acknowledge their need for grace and the lordship of Jesus Christ. He who has gets more. The kingdom is not built on justice, but on grace.”
This is an excerpt from the sermon for Sexagesima in Thy Kingdom Come by David H. Petersen. Sexagesima is the second Sunday in Pre-Lent, which was on February 23 this year. The readings for this particular Sunday according to the historic lectionary are Isaiah 55:10-13, 2 Corinthians 11:19-12:9, and Luke 8:4-15.
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Welcome! We are thrilled to unveil a fresh look for our website. We hope that the functional, clean layout will serve our customers well, in addition to the much-requested expansion of payment options.
As always, here you will find the best in confessional and liturgical Lutheran theological titles, including Ceremony and Celebration. This book is an essential resource not only for pastors, elders, altar guild members, organists, choir directors, and other congregational leaders, but also and especially for earnest laity who want to better understand the way we worship.
“God is a God of order. He is against disorder, confusion, slovenliness, crudeness, and ugliness. If that is true in every area of our lives, it is particularly true when God is present with us in a special way in the church’s worship. The Old Testament worship which God prescribed was, in every detail of the tabernacle and temple, the sacred vessels and vestments, the rites and ceremonies of the services, orderly and beautiful. We have no such detailed prescriptions in the New Testament, but the principle remains. The rules governing the traditional ceremonies are based on the law of order.” (p. 62)
Bulk discounts for O Perfect Life of Love – Daily Lenten Meditations
A recent customer comment: “The book and concept prompted me to listen to Bach’s St. John Passion for the first time and I was deeply moved. I’m considering using this as a Lenten devotion for our entire congregation to follow.”
O Perfect Life of Love allows the reader to become acquainted with or revisit the beloved St. John Passion. What may have seemed inaccessible due to language or musical knowledge is now available at one’s fingertips via a well-established English translation for the chorales and arias, along with the words of Scripture.
Bulk discounts are as follows: 10% off 10-19 books, 20% off 20-29 books, 30% off 30+ books. Contact us for a customized invoice rather than ordering online.
Senkbeil and Hettrick endorse O Perfect Life of Love
“The monumental Passion According to St. John well underscores Bach’s reputation as ‘the fifth evangelist.’ In this Lenten guide, Chaplain Hamer helps us listen, learn, and grasp anew the depth of our Savior’s sacrificial love and life.”
Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil
Author of The Care of Souls (Lexham, 2019)
Executive Director Emeritus; Collegium Fellow
DOXOLOGY: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel
“In O Perfect Life of Love: Daily Lenten Meditations on J. S. Bach’s St. John Passion, theologian and musician Brian J. Hamer takes the reader on a pastoral journey through Bach’s masterwork, with its forty movements as the basis of devotions for the forty days of Lent. He offers a unique exploration of Bach’s musical language to express meaning, both spiritual and literal. As you experience vividly the crucifixion narrative, you recognize yourself in the guilt and you sense the forgiveness. Powered by Pastor Hamer’s insightful understanding of biblical history — as well as his wide knowledge of hymnody, Lutheran music, technical musical forms, and liturgical practice of Bach’s environment — this is a book that can be read time and again, even beyond the Lenten season.”
Dr. Jane Schatkin Hettrick
Professor emeritus – Rider University
Director of Music – Redeemer Lutheran Church, Bayside, NY
Rev. Sean Daenzer, Director of LCMS Worship, endorses Hamer’s new book
“Rev. Hamer is an unpretentious guide to open our ears to Bach’s music, our minds to John’s Gospel and the Passion’s libretto, and our hearts to the evangelical faith. Thoughtfully divided among the days of Lent, these devotions will help anyone turn a recording of the St. John Passion into a 40-day meditation on Christ’s glorious sacrifice. The musician will benefit from these theological insights into Bach’s famous work, as will the modern Lutheran preacher.”
Rev. Sean Daenzer, Director of LCMS Worship
and Chaplain at the LCMS International Center
O Perfect Life of Love is suitable not only for individual devotions but also for the entire family. Find for more details, purchasing information, and an excerpt here.
NEW BOOK: O Perfect Life of Love by Brian J. Hamer
We are pleased to release our newest title: O Perfect Life of Love: Daily Lenten Meditations on J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion. Author Brian J. Hamer is a pastor of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and an active-duty Navy Chaplain. In addition to his experience in conducting and singing in choirs on both coasts, he writes and edits for a wide variety of publishers on theology, culture, and the arts.
As Hamer states in the Introduction, “It is probably just a coincidence that the New Bach Edition of the St. John
Passion by J. S. Bach (1685–1750) divides Bach’s masterwork into the same number of movements as there are days in Lent. This book of meditations places those forty movements of the St. John Passion as a literary and musical stencil over the forty weekdays of Lent—Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, excluding Sundays in Lent—to create a daily listening lectionary. I pray that this careful and deliberate approach to Bach’s masterwork—forty movements in forty days—will assist you, the reader/listener, in your Lenten piety as you behold the life-giving cross, on which was hung the salvation of the world.”
Both the German and English texts are provided to aid in listening, followed by a devotional meditation in which Hamer offers historical, musical, and theological commentary. Enrich your Lenten days by becoming acquainted with or ever more familiar with the St. John Passion through the lens of a Lutheran pastor and musician. Visit the book’s page to find more details, purchasing information, and an excerpt.
O Perfect Life of Love is suitable not only for individual devotions but also for the entire family. Find for more details, purchasing information, and an excerpt here.
Save up to 30% on Scratch & Dent books
Doing year-end inventory has the added benefit of setting aside titles for our Scratch & Dent sale. The content isn’t affected, yet you can save up to 30% on books with minor cosmetic flaws. Flaws include a fold or scratch on the cover, dented spine or corner, or a cover discoloration. (A Scratch & Dent sticker is placed on the inside cover.) A limited number of the following books are offered at reduced prices:
- Liber Hymnorum – now $26.25
- What an Altar Guild Should Know – now $9.00
- He Restores My Soul – now $13.50 (there are enough copies available for a small book group)
- He Remembers the Barren – now $11.25
- Apostolic Agenda – now $18.00
- God With Us – now $11.20
- Thy Kingdom Come – now $12.80
- Liturgical Forms – now $28.00
- Ceremony and Celebration – now $20.00
These prices will not be reflected each book’s page. Instead, you will need to contact us with your mailing address and order details to purchase any of these books. You are welcome to add any full-price items to your order. Standard shipping rates apply. After we receive your email, we’ll send you customized Paypal invoice with payment required within 24 hours.
Regarding Christmas cards: Does beauty matter?
Why send Christmas cards when an email will do?
Why send beautiful Christmas cards when any will do?
Our customers tell us that they intentionally seek out beauty in conjunction with a clear confession of Jesus. They want Scripture and hymn stanzas, not made-up greetings, that point to the birth of our Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Every year, thousands of Emmanuel Press Christmas cards circulate throughout the world. We appreciate your support of our small business. A blessed Advent to you!
God can use beauty to “arrest His people by their senses to awaken us from the slumbering economy of pragmatism” (Ramsey, Rembrandt Is in the Wind).