
Beichtspiegel (.pdf) – Compiled in 2003 and published in The Brotherhood Prayer Book, this “confession mirror” aids in self-examination for private confession and absolution.

Brief Counsel for the Suffering and Afflicted (.pdf) – This tri-fold brochure is based on an excerpt from Wilhelm Loehe’s Seed-Grains of Prayer, offering comfort and guidance to those in distress.  Read introductory post here.

PRIE: Preparation through Reflective and Introspective Examination (.pdf) – This tri-fold brochure, created by Pr. Edward Naumann, is designed to assist in preparation for private confession and absolution according to the Ten Commandments.

Starck’s Motherhood Prayers (pdf.): J.F. Starck offers comforting prayers for expectant and new mothers. Read a description and find a review here.

TLH Module for Lutheran Service Builder: The Lutheran Hymnal contains 300+ hymns that are not found in Lutheran Service Book. This free download contains the public domain hymns from TLH to be used within Lutheran Service Builder for your worship bulletin. Find detailed information and downloading instructions here.


Excerpts from Church Fathers as bulletin inserts:


Large Catechism readings as bulletin inserts: 

The complete list of readings: Large Catechism Readings According to the Church Year (.pdf) from Pr. Craig Meissner, 2013.


Solid Declaration readings as bulletin inserts: 

The complete list of readings: Solid Declaration Readings According to the Church Year (.pdf) from Pr. Craig Meissner, 2012.